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Flux  Leakage


Weld testing of ERW & pipe

UInspecTech® pioneered the use of the flux leakage method for on-line weld testing for tube producers, to be used directly on the tube mill.


The Flux Leakage method of testing tubular goods has been used for many decades for full body inspection. InspecTech® has refined the Flux Leakage method, using advanced signal processing.

FL online

Key Feature

Inspect weld seam in carbon steel tubes, on-line, at high speeds.


Suitable for diameters of 12mm and up.


Capable of testing Galvanized and Aluminized product.


Calibrates to 10% OD & ID notches and 0.8mm holes.

Flux Leakage testing is economical and user-friendly.


Superior Absolute & Differential operation compared to Eddy Current inspection systems.


Complete Data Logging of all on-line Test Parameters easily stored, retrieved, hard-copied or downloaded.


Instant recall of previously used setup.

Flux Leakage testing is economical and user-friendly. Superior Absolute & Differential operation compared to Eddy Current inspection systems. Complete Data Logging of all on-line Test Parameters easily stored, retrieved, hard-copied or downloaded. Instant recall of previously used setup.


The complete Flux Leakage NDT test system includes two basic components: the robust mechanical subsystem that manipulates the on-line sensor, and the electronic package, which processes the signals from the sensor. InspecTech® offers three standardized Flux Leakage weld test units, based upon the size of product to be tested.


Systems can be custom built for other size ranges or customer profiles. The smaller unit magnetizes the tube from below and is suitable for products in the general range of diameters from 0.5” (13mm) to about 3.5” (90mm). The larger systems are overhead, and magnetize from above and are used for diameters 2” (50mm) and up. The Extra-Large system is generally used for heavy wall material, where wall thickness can be as much as 0.625” (16mm).


Inspection of laser welded blanks

While Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) method is one of the oldest NDT methods, its utilization to test laser weld seams in carbon steel tailored blanks is relatively new. Simplicity of setup and high sensitivity make the method a superior alternative in an industry previously dominated by Ultrasonic EMATs and Eddy Current testers.
The standard MFL package offered by InspecTech can test welded steel blanks up to 6mm thick. Testing is done by passing the material seam over the test head on a conveyor, or by passing the test head over the part by robotic manipulation.


Key Feature

Inspect laser welded seams in carbon steel plates, on line, at high speeds.


Absolute and Differential channels differentiate between short and long defects.


Ideal NDT for carbon steel plates up to 3 mm in thickness.

Programmable set-up and changeover between products.


Storage of all test results based on time, or piece by piece basis.


Calibrates on 10% OD and ID notches and 0.5 mm holes.


Economical and user friendly.


The typical location for the MFL system can be directly after the welder on the welding line, or at a downstream handling station for the welded product. There is also a special version of MFL system designed for use on a continuous welding line.


It has a marking system to spray defects and a modified machine interface.


Inspectech Analygas Group Inc.

InspecTech® A Division of InspecTech Analygas Group Inc.

450 Midwest Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M1P 3A9

Tel: 416-757-1179
Fax: 416-757-8096

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